Data Erasure Requests

Make data erasure requests and understand what these requests mean at Extole.


You can make erasure requests to Extole either via email to the Support Team at [email protected] or via API.

Once a request is made, Extole will irreversibly psuedoanonymize the profile of the individual so that the profile is no longer connected to the individual through the program. If the individual re-engages with the program, a new profile is created, unrelated to the previous profile. Making another erasure request will successfully delete this new profile.


Important Note

Storage of the original, un-anonymized profile may exist on cold backup systems until the standard backup retention policy deletes the backups.

Below is an example POST to programmatically submit a request for erasure. Note that the processing of the request may take up to 7 days.

  "email":"[email protected]",
  "note":"Additional context like a tracking id in your own system"
Sample Response:
  "id": "8620b00dea6d786780a3bb0d9",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "note": "Your custom context",
  "created_date": "2019-09-03T20:38:01.755Z"