Calling this endpoint allows the user to update the profile associated with the token passed into the request. If the user's email does not yet exist in our system, calling this endpoint will create a new profile. Please note that this call can only be made once per token. Subsequent attempts to update the token with a new profile will result in a 400 error.

Response Data Fields

Extole's unique identifier for the customer.
The customer's unique email address.
A unique identifier of the customer provided by you, such as a "user ID", "customer ID", etc.
The customer's first name. This is used for personalization of share messages, reporting, and customer support.
The customer's last name. This is used for personalization of share messages, reporting, and customer support.
A URL to the customer's profile picture.
A map of key/value parameters associated with this customer's profile. Parameters may be "public," in which case they can be retrieved with an unverified token, or "private," which requires a verified token.

Error Responses

Error CodeDescription
400 FIRST_NAME_INVALID_LENGTHFirst name length greater than 50 characters.
400 INVALID_PERSON_EMAILInvalid person email.
400 LAST_NAME_INVALID_LENGTHLast name length greater than 50 characters.
400 PARTNER_USER_ID_ALREADY_DEFINEDPartner user ID already defined.
400 PARTNER_USER_ID_INVALID_LENGTHPartner user ID length greater than 255 characters.
400 PERSON_EMAIL_ALREADY_DEFINEDPerson email already defined.
400 PERSON_NOT_FOUNDPerson not found.
400 PROFILE_PICTURE_URLMalformed profile_picture_url.
403 ACCESS_DENIEDThe access_token provided is not permitted to access the specified resource.
403 ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIREDThe access_token provided with this request has expired.
403 ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALIDThe access_token provided with this request is invalid.
403 ACCESS_TOKEN_MISSINGMissing access_token.