put https://api.extole.io/v4/runtime-persons/<person_id>
Calling this endpoint allows you to update a customer or participant profile in the Extole platform. This operation must be performed by an authorized user.
Error Code | Message |
400 Invalid Block Reason | The block reason cannot be empty. |
400 Invalid Email | The email address is invalid. Please check that it is URL encoded. |
400 Invalid Length First Name | The first name is greater than 50 characters. |
400 Invalid Length Last Name | The last name is greater than 50 characters. |
400 Invalid Picture URL | The URL for the profile picture is invalid. |
400 Partner Email Already Defined | The email address is already defined. |
400 Partner User ID Invalid Length | The partner user ID is greater than 255 characters. |
400 Person Partner User ID Already Defined | The partner user ID for has already been defined. |
403 Access Denied | The access token provided is not permitted to access the specified resource. |
403 Missing Access Token | No access token was provided with this request. |
403 Person Not Found | The person associated with this ID was not found. |