Calling this endpoint allows you to update a customer or participant profile in the Extole platform. This operation must be performed by an authorized user.

Error CodeMessage
400 Invalid Block ReasonThe block reason cannot be empty.
400 Invalid EmailThe email address is invalid. Please check that it is URL encoded.
400 Invalid Length First NameThe first name is greater than 50 characters.
400 Invalid Length Last NameThe last name is greater than 50 characters.
400 Invalid Picture URLThe URL for the profile picture is invalid.
400 Partner Email Already DefinedThe email address is already defined.
400 Partner User ID Invalid LengthThe partner user ID is greater than 255 characters.
400 Person Partner User ID Already DefinedThe partner user ID for has already been defined.
403 Access DeniedThe access token provided is not permitted to access the specified resource.
403 Missing Access TokenNo access token was provided with this request.
403 Person Not FoundThe person associated with this ID was not found.