Zone Content

A zone is a content container that you typically place in specific areas of your webpage, where you can display content related to your Extole programs. Zones can also be used to track visitor behavior and success metrics on a page (clicks, conversion funnel, orders, etc.).

Zones can help you run your programs everywhere by enabling the delivery of content in emails, postcards, printed invoices, and so on. Instead of integrating with tags to create a connection between your website and Extole, you'll use the Events & Content endpoints of the Customer API.

Zone Requests

Calls made to the Get Zone Content endpoint can return a full page with content (HTML, JSON), a redirect (302), or another HTTP response.

The most common uses for making a zone request are:

  1. Share Page: Most commonly referred to as a Microsite or sharing portal.
  2. Impression Tracking: Used to track impressions of CTAs (e.g., global_header) or sharing (e.g., share_experience).
  3. Share Destination: Share Links will point to a Share Destination for a campaign. By default the links will load a zone named share_destination and will redirect to whatever is passed in the redirect URL parameter.
  4. Mobile App Campaigns: A mobile app requests zones and receives JSON with appropriate messaging.

Promotional Tracking

In Refer A Friend programs, the call to the Share Experience will appear as an advocate click. To have the click properly attributed back to the promotional zone, you will need to include the via_zone parameter in your request.

For example, the following request would track a view/click back to the Global Header zone.

Share Destination

The share_destination zone uses server-side targeting logic to direct the request to the proper creative content associate with your program. All parameters passed into the Share Experience may be used as targeting hints and are then passed into the Page Creative to generate the response.

Mobile App Campaigns

Content zones can be used to return visual content for a mobile application to display information. For example, a mobile menu might make the following request to get information to render a "Refer Friends" call to action in the menu.

curl ""

  "bundle name": "mobile_menu_cta",
  "icon url": "fa-paper-plane []",
  "call to action text": "Refer Friends",
  "text color": "#86C54E",
  "campaign id": "554d3e336ad782c7d400013f"